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       “I’m not crazy, I’m a writer!”

Since the day I learned to write, I’ve always had pen to paper. It started off with “Dear Diary“, which evolved into the much more mature “journalling” by my late teens and beyond. In my angst-filled 20s it was poetry and songs filling the pages of my notebook. My 30s and 40s were dedicated to career and my writing turned into magazine articles and educational projects.

One dark, cold February, I fell into a deep funk that I couldn’t seem to climb out of. I wasn’t enjoying my work anymore. I started imagining another life in another place, immersing myself in British period drama, and watching the scenes over and over again. I became absorbed in a fantasy world and thought I might be going a little crazy. But then, during a snowy walk out on the prairie with my dog, I had a revelation … I’m not crazy, I’m a writer! My fantasy world turned into the beginnings of a novel, I reconnected with the parts of my life I adore, and an author was born.

On that list of things I adore, my home on 20 acres of Alberta prairie and the marvelous creatures I share it with — my husband, three horses, one dog and two cats.

I believe that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty can be found everywhere. Nothing is ordinary.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Teresa!
    Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I’m so glad I did.
    Your reflections on not hating the snow and cold made me laugh. I am one of those whiners. I tend to look at the glass half empty. So your blog is just what I needed.
    Congratulations on your book! What a grand accomplishment. I had no idea. It looks like a book that I would enjoy. Its on my Summer Read List for sure. Can’t wait.

    1. Hi Katherine;

      I’m so pleased you found something valuable in my blog. My goal as a writer is to connect with people on some level, create content that is relatable, and ultimately have a positive impact. Thanks so much for reading and for your comments!

  2. I was scrolling through the Giveaways on Goodreads that are closing soon and your book stopped me — I am always attracted to books by their covers. Your book stopped me completely — what a beautiful cover!! Then I read the blurb about it and I immediately entered to win the book. I do not have good outcomes with Goodreads Giveaways though. Fingers and toes are crossed and are beginning to cramp . . . .

    I subscribed to your blog. You sound like someone whose writing I will enjoy reading. I do a bit of writing also, mostly about everyday in rural central Oklahoma. I have a husband, five cats, and a precious dog. Life is full!!

    I try to keep up three blogs. The one listed below is my miscellaneous one where I post book reviews and everyday happenings. I also have one for my writing and one where I post Zentangle tiles that I create. If you are interested in either, I will share.

    I look forward to receiving your blog posts and reading your book!!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my book cover! The painting was done by a fabulous local artist named Mary Ann Hews and I knew it was the right image the moment I saw it. And best of luck in the Goodreads giveaway! If you don’t win, check again in about a week for another giveaway. I will be running them regularly during this first year of the book’s publishing.

      Thank you for subscribing to my blog. My dogs also write one that you might enjoy. They are at http://www.chicoandlogan.wordpress.com. Thanks for reading and I will check out your blogs as well!

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